Level 1 - Process
One of the major responsibilities of a producer is problem-solving. To solve problems effectively, you need the right tools. On this journey, we'll explore various tools that you can add to your inventory. The more tools at your disposal, the wider the variety of problems you'll be able to solve well.
At the beginning of your career, you'll only need the common, foundational tools. Most of the problems you'll encounter can be solved with these, or you can bring in a higher-level person to take on the challenge with you.
As you progress and face bigger challenges, you'll need to add more powerful and specific tools to your arsenal. You might also see other people on your projects using these tools, which may spark your curiosity about what they are and how they work.
Feel free to explore everything, but make sure you build up your skill to use them effectively.
Tool Rubric
Common Tools: Lvl 1-10
Project Management Methodologies
Communication Plans
Development Disciplines
Task Tracking
Uncommon Tools: Lvl 11-20
Basic Planning
Project Phases & Key Milestones
Core Risk Management
Core Scheduling & Roadmaps
Core Scope Management
Rare Tools: Lvl 21-30
Advanced Planning
Advanced Risk Management
Advanced Scheduling & Roadmaps
Advanced Scope Management
Core Budgeting
Core Project Strategy
Core Stakeholder Management
Legendary Tools: Lvl 31-40
Advanced Budgeting
Core Finance
Advanced Project Strategy
Advanced Stakeholder Management
Artifact Tools: Lvl 41-50
Portfolio Strategy
As you can see, there are many tools to cover, all focusing on different areas of development. In future posts, we'll dive deeper into each of these categories, exploring how to use these tools effectively in your game production journey.